Synthesis and characterization of reduced graphene oxide with magnetized polyaniline for electromagnetic shielding

Document Type : Research Article


1 Department of Chemistry Iran University of Science and Technology

2 Member of the faculty of Iran University of Science and Technology



Unwanted electromagnetic wave interference poses significant challenges in military and industrial contexts, prompting extensive research into electromagnetic interference shielding materials, particularly radar absorbing coatings. Materials with inherent dielectric or magnetic properties, such as magnetite and polymers, have proven effective in wave absorption, alongside investigations into metals and carbon-based materials. Nevertheless, reduced graphene oxide (RGO) presents a drawback due to its suboptimal impedance matching. To address this limitation, researchers have explored the enhancement of impedance matching by incorporating RGO with magnetic materials. Emerging as promising candidates are ternary and quaternary nanocomposites, including conducting polymers, offering the potential to effectively absorb microwave and radio waves. This study focuses on RGO/Fe3O4 nanoporous composites incorporating polyaniline. These composites exhibit remarkable capabilities in the absorption of electromagnetic waves, coupled with a straightforward synthesis process. The study makes a significant contribution to the realm of electromagnetic interference shielding materials, underscoring the considerable promise held by RGO/Fe3O4/PANI composites.


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